Mouse Ghost

Codename: GLEAM (the Gleam)

Ectoplasm type: Iridescent

Primary haunting medium: sound

First public sighting: Downtown anime club.

Note: Very shy. Makes a crunching sound when handled.


Ghost Cat

Codename: ALICE (Go Ask Alice)

Ectoplasm type: translucent

Primary haunting medium: visuals

First public sighting: Haunting a tea party in New hampshire.

Notes : The scarier you think it is, the scarier it will try to make itself. Loves ear scritches.


Spectral Bunny

Codename: BRIAR (Briar Patch)

Ectoplasm type: Incandescent

Primary haunting medium: smell

First public sighting: Lingering smell of death reported around a school rabbit hutch with otherwise healthy rabbits.

Note: It hungers.
